Running Books and Functional Movement

I’ve been on a bit of a running kick lately. Not so much because I love running, but because I see it as a key component of my cardiovascular fitness and one that is easy to measure, requires little equipment, and I readily see the benefits in other aspects of my overall fitness. Prior to the last couple of years, it’s been over 20 years since I’ve run seriously and my body has changed substantially during that time. The memories of how I used to run and how I actually run today collide, and it’s been a learning experience acquiring good training habits and re-developing my running form. I’ve been trying to absorb everything I can, and my hope is to share some of the books that I’ve found to be most helpful.

Scary Books

For anyone that knows me well, they know I’m a voracious reader. Over the last several years, I’ve discovered some of the scariest books that I’ve ever read. These aren’t your usual horror stories. They’re non-fiction, real-life books that challenge what you know about the world and, in some cases, about yourself.

Adding a static IP to a DHCP-enabled NetworkManager connection

I have to be honest here, I’m really not a fan of NetworkManager. I realize that the Linux community is trying to make things easier for the average user, but that has come at a cost: losing some power user features. One of these features is assigning multiple IP addresses (multi-homing) to a single network card.


While looking over the proceedings of OOPSLA 2016, I ran across a paper called “Purposes, Concepts, Misfits, and a Redesign of Git.”. In the paper, the authors, Santiago Perez De Rosso and Daniel Jackson, attempt to apply a theory of conceptual design to help identify places in Git where it behaves badly, examines the real intent and purpose behind version control, and then provides some solutions to those issues guided by concepts and purpose.

Website Refresh!

This has been a long time coming. I liked the old site, but really didn’t need the dynamic strengths that Django brings to the table. My server was approaching the end of the security update period, so it was high time to make some hard decisions.