Subversion is moving to ASF!

I’m late in the game on announcing this, but Subversion is moving to the ASF!. I think it’s awesome that has put in the work necessary to grow such a thriving open source project. I, personally, think this move makes a lot of sense. The ASF has a long standing history in terms of protecting open source, already hosts a number of large projects that many companies are involved in, and I believe it will open the door for more committers to be involved.

Bazaar as a Subversion "super client"

Nearly a year ago, I read an article by Ben Collins-Sussman called A Mercurial “super client”. About a month or so prior to that, I had started playing with Bazaar and, in particular, bzr-svn. Since then, I have really wanted to write a similar article for Bazaar, but haven’t found the time. I’m happy to say, that both Bazaar and bzr-svn have come to a head, with Bazaar releasing 2.0 and bzr-svn releasing 1.0. So, it seems like the right time to get this done!

Released a new Trac plugin...

At my workplace, we like to follow an Agile development methodology called Scrum. Turns out there is a bit of an issue… most issue trackers don’t allow us to organize tickets the way we need to. We’ve been using Trac for a long time (before we started using Scrum), and it’s one of the few tools that pretty much everyone likes. I’ve looked at other issue trackers (Bugzilla, Jira, Scarab, Roundup, etc), but they’re either costly, too heavyweight, or just plain don’t do what we need them to.